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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Frownland at Cinefamily this week!

"People should be as hard on the films as the films are hard on the
audience. I wanna live inside of a culture where that is not just
acceptable. That is par for the course."

Check out "Frownland" this week at Cinefamily.

You can read more about it here on Mike Plante's blog.

"It wasn¹t like I made it to get the money back, the same way you don¹t go
on vacation thinking you¹re going to get the money back."
- Ronnie Bronstein

FROWNLAND Double feature with THE PLEASURE OF BEING ROBBED by Josh Safdie

April 23rd: 9:45pm
April 24th: 7:30pm, Midnight
April 25th: 5pm, 9:30pm
April 26th: 5pm, 9:30pm

At Cinefamily:

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